Wednesday, December 30, 2009


a rather prolonged video with shaky camera hand; this was partly due to filming with a gloved hand and also being almost run down by a tobogganer (spelling ?)

Ski Mammoth

A video of Scarlett skiing down the mountain on the last day. A very sorry-for-herself Sophie in the background, as she decided she didnt like the cold much. She was bundled up and so the only part of her that could of been cold was her face, and she just hated it.

Christmas message

we decorated the tree and the girls jumped about and sang a version of jingle bells

Decorating the tree

Dec 12th - decorating our tree during the rainiest day for a long time

Saturday, December 19, 2009

meeting Santa

Montana ave (the stretch of designer boutiques near our place) had a late night shopping event with hard cider (spiked apple juice) and brandy egg nog amongst other things. We waited a little while to see Santa, and it was enough that Sophie stood there. She would not be persuaded to lose the pacifier.

Scarlett asked for a camera, Catherine (Scarlett's friend) asked for the barbie townhouse, and Sophie asked for candy.

Friday, December 18, 2009

odd stuff in Hawi

some communist figurine outside the tobacco shop

the village post office signage
a bench on the patio of the coffee shop which was closed- what were those aubergine doing there? And below, door at the back of the aforementioned coffee shop

We took an afternoon trip to a small village called Hawi, but it was on the day of Thanksgiving and there was no one about and nothing was open. So here are photos of the random things we came across there.

more hawaii

lunch at the hotel and a walk in the lagoon