Monday, July 19, 2010

This trio of sequoias are called the Three Graces

forest fire debris in the grove

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mariposa Grove of the Giant Sequoias

standing in front of the root system of a sequoia tree, which felled hundreds of years ago

hiking across the hill to get to the June Mountain forests, it was very very hot

Scarlett's breakfast

this was in the Silverlake Cafe

Man in the wilderness

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

June Lake, California

Going up the chair lift to June Mountain (near Mammoth), we were behind Robb and Sophie. Sophie was clinging very tightly to the chair lift, and it was a little bit scary as they dont have pull down bars on the chair lifts. Of course it was a bit more scary going down as you had the whole of the mountain before you tumble down.

This was the view from the top
Pictures taken on the mini hike we did to Mirror Lake

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yosemite National Park, California

view of Half Dome on the hike to Mirror Lake

Bass Lake, California

the shore of the lake where we anchored to have our lunch on the boat. the boat was really sold to us on the fact that it had an onboard bbq.....where we could grill our lunch. Due to the limitations of the local shop, lunch was hotdogs (spicy or mild) with bacon. We forgot ketchup but actually hotdogs with dried apricots and bacon all combined, are pretty good. The bbq itself was very mild and it took 40 minutes to warm up said hot dogs and take the edge off the raw bacon.

After lunch, some people went tubing, Scarlett is on the left:

Happy boat face

waiting for the Daddies to get back with the jet bikes

Bass Lake, California

On the first day of our vacation in Yosemite, we hired first a jet-bike and then a big boat to hang around Bass Lake on. No way was I going on the back of the jet-bike (been there, done that with Robbie K) but the girls knew no better....Sophie decided after 5 minutes that she wanted to be on land. Scarlett stuck it out. Go Scarlett!

More relaxing

Saturday relaxing in our friend's pool - cocktail in hand