Monday, December 20, 2010

Scarlett's holiday sing

they dressed up in winter gear as a costume

and then they decorated gingerbread houses

Sophie's holiday sing

On the last morning of Sophie's school, everyone in the school got together for the traditional holiday sing and potluck. Jingle Bells, etc was sung but one of the chorus lines was changed to sing " we havent seen an icicle since 1921 coz we live in LA". Or something like that!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scarlett's thanksgiving play

She played the part of Pilgrim no 11 and had one quite long line

 Pep talk before  the audience arrived

 the back drop, tho England's location is not quite right, close enough!

wintery margaritas

made with freshly squeezed pomegranates

baking for the school fair

Thursday, November 18, 2010

playing at the beach park

Sophie's parade

Sophie is modeling the mask she made for her school's little parade. Sophie walking with her friends and her teacher.

iphone pics of a recent beach day

my flip flops!

in the chinese garden at the Huntington

day off school at the Huntington

 the above drawings are pictures that Scarlett drew as part of a class project. the project was to tell a story about what happened on Picture Day, and what each child did to prepare or how they felt.

dinner on the beach at sunset during the November heat wave!

Scarlett on the beach last weekend